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Loveda Brown Comes Home

Loveda Brown inherits more than a tiny hotel in Idyllwild, she inherits the guests that come with it and the killer walking among them.

Loveda Brown has inherited more than a tiny hotel in Idyllwild, California, as yet the Wild West of 1912, she’s inherited trouble. A pretentious lawyer, a Boy Scout troop invasion, insufferable suffragettes, and a pair of pompous honeymooners are about to interrupt her best laid plans. Between murder and a kidnapping, the pressure is on for Loveda to clean up the town she longs to call home.

Please leave your review for Loveda Brown Comes Home here!

Great read! β€” Tabitha Washman β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…
Wonderful story! I really enjoy how easy it is to slip into the setting and enjoy the telling of this tail. It has so many twists, many times I asked if I truly was seeing the foreshadowing. I also want to say great job on grammar and spelling. Out of two books I’ve only seen one misspelled word. Fantastic!

Simply good fun! β€” Beckett Shiona β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…
From its amusing initial scene right through the hilarious finale, this is the most entertaining cozy mystery I’ve read in ages. What a cast of characters! The book was well-written, and dozens of red herrings were thrown at the reader, keeping one on one’s toes throughout. The author has a real gift for making her characters come alive for the reader. I will definitely backtrack to read the first book, but plenty of “fill in the blanks” info is provided so that this second book can be read as a stand-alone.

She’s BAAAACK! β€” Bob Mayberry, author β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…
Loveda Brown returns to 1912 Idyllwild for more mayhem, murder, and mystery! She crosses swords with shady lawyers, sneaky suffragettes, arrogant honeymooners and an uncontrollable troop of Boy Scouts. And still she solves a murder, prevents a kidnapping, and manages a moment or two of romance. Gotta love that Loveda!

Boy Scouts and Badges – Kindle Customer β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…
It exciting. It Laugh out loud funny. It’s a bit of the old wild, wild west. Loveda is amazing while one crises after another comes her way.

The suspense and intrigue continue β€” Cameron W Beeler β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…
So excited to see this is a series! The author’s writing style is witty, intriguing and full of great historical and periodical accuracy. A brilliant read!

Fun read with a plucky heroine β€” Rebecca D’Harlingue, author β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…
This is a fun read with a mystery, a plucky heroine, numerous potential suitors, a troop of boy scouts, and a struggling hotel in 1912 California. Loveda just wants to find somewhere to settle down, and she thinks she has discovered just the place. Soon pandemonium ensues, however, and she has to rely on her wits, her courage, and her luck to make it through. The story kept me turning the pages, wondering what new challenge Loveda would have to overcome next. A highly enjoyable novel!

Funnyβ€” Cmd2222 β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…
I can only tell you its funny mystery because anything else would spoil the story. Loved reading this book. Anyone who likes a good western cozy mystery must read this.

Interesting and Thrilling β€” Jennifer A. Adams β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…
Great and thrilling read that keeps the picture rolling through your minds eyes!!
Take the travel for yourself.
I laughed on and off with each page.
Enjoy your day!!

Gripping and Surprising β€” Sound Asleep β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…
Maybe I should have seen it coming, but the end of this mystery caught me completely flat-footed. As is typical, it all starts off so innocently. And yet, by no fault of her own, Loveda gets caught up in another murder mystery and is more than a match for the new deputy who enjoys trying out all the new-fangled crime fighting technologies. The energy and excitement continually builds throughout. I usually try to read a chapter a night, but I kept needing to read “just one more”. And by the time I was 2/3’s of the way through I found myself up late because I just couldn’t put it down and had to finish it. Thrilling and enjoyable with plenty of good winks and nods and chuckles thrown in.

Quick Read β€” Jeanne Richardson β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…
This is the 1st book I’ve read written by Jolie Tunnell; she has done a great job at writing a good book; I can’t wait to read more of her books. The story line caught my attention at the very beginning and kept me interested throughout the entire book.

Home run β€” Bo Belinsky β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…
Smashing great story! Hits a home run! Loveda Brown is a woman for all seasons, all mysteries, and all sorts of shenanigans! I gotta meet this woman! (Though I can’t imagine courting her without a six-shooter.) The best mystery to come along since the Banning to Hemet Stage went out of business!

Good read β€” Rhonda β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…
Witty and intriguing story with lots of twists and turns. Keeps you hooked until the end. Interesting and entertaining characters. Good read.

Humorous, lighthearted, and clever β€” LK, Reader’s Favorite β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…
Loveda Brown Comes Home by Jolie Tunnell is the second book in the Idyllwild Mystery series. Take a trip back to 1912 and visit the quaint town of Idyllwild where Loveda Brown runs a hotel and occasionally solves mysteries. When she inherited the hotel, she never expected her hands to be so full. Running the hotel and keeping guests happy is a full-time job but when a body is found she has more to contend with than demanding newlyweds. Matters escalate from there as suspects are revealed and she soon learns of a kidnapping. Surrounded by eccentric characters and situations faced during the period, Loveda deals with her most challenging mystery yet.

Idyllwild is portrayed as being idyllic, with details that draw you in through a peaceful image of a sunset with a fiery glow against the sky, creating a moment to stop everything. These opening details give a serene tone that shows what Loveda loves about the town and what it is that draws her into cleaning it up. The humor is immediately seen in the near slapstick visual of Loveda with her arms around a chimney compared to the embrace of gentle shoulders just before stumbling onto a ladder. This is a clever way to introduce her attitude and the high spirit she has regarding her opinion of the town, the people, and what she does to make it better. Jolie Tunnell delivers a lighthearted mystery that blends real commentary from the era into the story.

An assortment of characters is a great backdrop to the town and gives Loveda a lovely range of suspects. Each character has a solid personality and a specific role in either the town or the mystery. The historical backdrop is captured in subtle elements such as literary references, the Boy Scouts, and the aesthetic of the town. The period is primarily seen in the characters’ experiences, mannerisms, and attitudes which allows you to see the reality faced by different types of characters. These are reflected in Loveda’s thoughts about an independent woman as an oddity, in the strong voices of the suffragette characters like Mrs. Keen, and in the attitudes of the newlyweds. A charming blend of historical fiction and murder mystery, Loveda Brown Comes Home is humorous, lighthearted, and clever with themes of the period flawlessly woven in.