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Zoom to “The End”

Do you need to make some words? Welcome to your FREE weekly writing sprint!

People who have a regular peer support session are nearly 80% more successful than those who try to go it alone.ย  And showing up with your butt in the chair is 90% of getting it done.

*There is no zoom in the month of July! Meet us back here on August 5th at NOON.*

  • Here is the direct Zoom link.
  • No current work in progress? Need a warm-up exercise? Here is this week’s writing prompt:
    • Write about your summer adventures this month. Take time recording the sensory experiences. Include something you learned that can go with you back into the routines of autumn.

How it works:

  • 12pm (PST) Mondays at noon
  • A 40 minute Zoom with no strings attached
    • 5 minute prep time
    • 25 minute silent timed sprint
    • 10 minute encouragement via chat bar
  • The Zoom is never recorded and I retain zero data on participants
  • Your video and microphone will be disabled the entire time – you will only see/hear me
  • Open to anyone who wants to kick off their week with some words
  • A revolving open door so you can meet up or opt out whenever you need to
  • Encouragement and accountability built in with the other online writers
  • Start your week productively and leverage the momentum
  • Keep going with a Pomodoro app
  • Jump in where you are
  • Introduce yourself and visit in the chat bar – how many words did you write?
  • Positive vibes only – cheer each other on!

Not Monday yet? Play with apps like Written Kitten, Cold Turkey Writer, or The Most Dangerous Writing App.


  • Check my time zone to yours. This Zoom is set for 12pm (noon) PST. (If there are enough requests, we may hold additional date/times later this year.)
  • If the Zoom screen distracts you, “minimize” it.
  • If we add more sessions, hit a holiday, or change the format, this page is always updated and I will leave the note here.
  • If you get in and see the timer going… we started without you.
    • Jump in and start writing!
    • One word is better than zero words!